Conversion - Embracing the Change

Conversion - embracing change - is the title of the Dossier 2023 (launched on 5 June) that GLAM offers to the member churches of the Protestant Federation in Italia to celebrate the next Creation time.

The starting point for the reflections, GLAM explains, is the document that came out of the 2022 Assembly of the Ecumenical Council of Churches (CEC) 'The Living Planet - for a just and sustainable global community', which opens with these words: 'Together we believe... the earth is the Lord's and all it contains... We are all interdependent in the whole of God's creation. As Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity, we are called to metanoia and a renewed and just relationship with Creation, which is expressed in our practical lives."
"Conversion," writes the GLAM, is "a complex theme because it exposes itself to an infinite number of topics from which we have chosen a few: we are called to conversion to justice, global well-being, renewable sources, and language.

