Green Church label emerges in France

The Protestant Federation of France (FPF), the Episcopal Conference of France (CEF), the Orthodox Bishop Assembly of France (AEOF) and the Council of Christian Churches in France (CECEF) have recently launched a label "Green Church" (in original: Eglise verte), as a tool to assist parishes involved with ecological conversion.

This tool is designed to evolve later to also assist the ecological work of movements and organisations.

Ecological conversion is an expression conveying the need for people and nations to change their ideas about the use of the Earth and its resources so that the earth and all of its inhabitants and life forms have a chance to survive and flourish. Pope John Paul II drew on texts from the Old Testament, or Hebrew Scriptures, including Genesis 1.28 and Psalm 148, to develop the notion of ecological conversion.

For more information (in French) please download an Eglise verte newsletter, or visit the website.


Sources: EgliseVerte; RESource