Project proposals from the mobility group

  1. European wide car fasting action during lent 2009 and 2010 via ECEN Internet web side and in cooperation with church fasting action – going on from Hemma Opis-Pieper(ECEN member, Austria), Isolde Schönstein and others.What would be necessary and helpful for such a project:
  • leaflet translated in some European languages
  • an own Internet page linked to ECEN webside and others(Kirchentag
  • 'leave your key at your pastor'
  • available should be: mobility diary, leaflets in different languages, brochure after the campaign with stories and results…
  • public relation(press release)
  • collecting experiences up to now Austria (1Million saved car kilometres, Lichtenstein, Deutschland, Switzerland)
  • estimated costs: totally 130.000 €: design of an internet-page (10.000 €), leaflets(translating, layout, printing, 30.000 €), telephone, travelling (10.000 €), working costs(halftime one and a half year: 50.000 €), brochure (10.000), public relations (20.000).
  • Photographs of ministers on the bike (dressed in their “traditional”, official working clothes)
  • The mobility working group needs figures regarding motorised mobility done by the churches in Europe (amount of cars, memberships in car sharing initiatives, flight kilometres, etc.) Please send these to jobst [dot] krausatev-akademie-boll [dot] de.