In the year 2020 Ararát Association (together with fellow churches and civil partners) has called for an art competition for all school students in Hungary to create pictures ‘how they meet the living creatures of the Bible’. The young artists had their imagination flow across storytelling, parables, and symbols of the Bible and more than 250 artworks were created for the contest in various techniques, such as drawing, painting, montage, photographing or even short video. The exhibition - based on the rich and colourful material of the contest – has opened this year on the 27th of August and it is also available in a Virtual Art Gallery. The gallery has been arranged by themes and visitors can observe how student artists imagine the Bible’s Symbols, a Walk in the Garden of Eden, Journeys in the Old Testament, the Ages of Catastrophes, Special Encounters, and Exemplary and Unprecedented Creatures. The exhibition features the outstanding artworks and the winner masterpieces of the contest.
Visit the virtual exhibition here.