- European wide car fasting action during lent 2009 and 2010 via ECEN Internet web side and in cooperation with church fasting action – going on from Hemma Opis-Pieper(ECEN member, Austria), Isolde Schönstein and others.What would be necessary and helpful for such a project:
- leaflet translated in some European languages
- an own Internet page linked to ECEN webside and others(Kirchentag
- 'leave your key at your pastor'
- available should be: mobility diary, leaflets in different languages, brochure after the campaign with stories and results…
- public relation(press release)
- collecting experiences up to now Austria (1Million saved car kilometres, Lichtenstein, Deutschland, Switzerland)
- estimated costs: totally 130.000 €: design of an internet-page (10.000 €), leaflets(translating, layout, printing, 30.000 €), telephone, travelling (10.000 €), working costs(halftime one and a half year: 50.000 €), brochure (10.000), public relations (20.000).