Roman Juriga Award 2022

ECEN Assembly has been an opportunity for handing over the Roman Juriga Award to the winners in 2022.

The Award was set up for recognising realistic, realisable and easy to be replicated elsewhere Christian environmental action in churches across the continent. The Award seeks to affirm Christian environmental activity in local churches across Europe and to highlight best examples of such an action.

The decorated winners of the Award 2022 are: 

SAGE - Saint Anne’s for a Green EarthResource Centre, St Anne’s Parish in Dublin, Ireland


Heating water with solar collectors in church recreation facility, Běleč Nad Orlicí, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, Czech Republic


Winning projects underline in a complementary way importance of churches’ engagement in a wider community, diversity of churches witnessing in society that includes prayers and liturgy combined with energy saving, care for the land and promotion of climate justice, as well as offering an inspiration for others.

The winning project of St.Anne’s church has been further appreciated last Sunday in a church ceremony led by Archbishop Dermot Farell. The ceremony was an occasion for involving the whole parish to realise that something significant has been achieved, but there is much more to be done. 


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