"The earth is under threat. The climate crisis that affects our planet threatens our existence, destroys the diversity of the earth, and creates vast global differences between people. The church’s task is to give hope and courage, both locally and globally.
It is only by acting together that we can do what is needed. We must find solutions together and bear the burdens together. Our task is to be a critical voice, but at the same time to take part in a constructive cooperation with political and economic decision-makers in order to consolidate the path towards a green shift local, nationally, and globally. The church must challenge the structures that consolidate injustice and inequality during the climate crisis.
The Bishops’ Conference calls for a broad-based dialogue about what is needed, if we are to prevent the total crisis of the creation. We hope that this brochure will give inspiration to act for a good and just stewardship of the creation.
The brochure uses the different elements of the liturgy to unfold the various aspects of the encounter between Christian faith, the creation, and the climate challenges. The liturgy contains every aspect of life and gives strength and courage to meet these challenges."