The theme of the 8th ECEN Assembly was 'Our daily bread: living in a time of climate change'. A new working group on sustainable food was set up to explore this theme, which has {cms_selflink page="food" text="its own page here on the ECEN website"} where you can follow its future work.
The group considered the following documents:
- Towards a new eating culture in the context of justice, peace and integrity of creation (pdf, 77kb), Jobst Kraus's initial report drawing on the example of the centre in Bad Boll
- More information in German and pictures (.pdf, 543kb) about the 'transparent restaurant' described in the above report
- Leaflets from a campaign Meal (English, pdf, 3.6MB) or Mahlzeit (German, pdf, 183kb)
- Food security and food sovereignty (pdf, 141kb), a paper by Jobst Kraus on food security written for the EED (Sustainable Germany in a globalized world)