Prayers for Forgiveness for Climate Sin
One voice: Climate Change is prompted by our sinfulness:
- our greed, gluttony and lust for more
- our pride and arrogance
- our anger, envy and vanity
- our dishonesty and maliciousness
- our indifference and laziness
All: Creator God, forgive
One Voice: Climate Change is fed by our failure to accept limits:
- of the Earth’s capacity
- to consumerism and excessive materialism
- to an economy that demands insatiability
- to our crude desires
- to our human aspirations
All: Saviour God – forgive
One Voice: Climate Change is enhanced by our falling short of our deeper potential:
- to respect all life
- to live compassionately
- to think beyond the short-term
- to seek peace through justice
- to express solidarity with the vulnerable
All: Inspiring God – forgive
One Voice: Climate Change is addressed when we actively work to change our economic lifestyles:
- campaigning for fairness and equality
- putting community before self
- sharing resources and cooperating together
- acting to regenerate the Earth
- recognising the deep holiness of life itself
All: Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer God: In the face of Climate Change forgive us our wrongdoings; challenge our apathy; strengthen our resolve; inspire us with hope; and enthuse us with love to make a world of difference now and for ever. Amen.
[Martyn Goss, May 2016]