Plastic addiction Campaign against single use and disposable plastics

The Commission on Globalization and Environment launches a campaign to combat the use of disposable plastics and substitutes within the framework of the Eco-communities network project.

This action is part of the general theme of the use of resources, which for Christians are God's creation, and at the same time a concrete example of the need to activate real upstream reconversion actions. This means eliminating their production and stopping the proliferation of substitutes that do not displace the problem of correcting needs induced by consumerism. The delegation entrusted to the consciences of individuals of downstream gestures can do little compared to the pressure of productive behaviors harmful to the collective health of life on Earth.

The factor that motivated this initiative are the behaviors of greater aggression to the environment justified by the 'covid emergency'.

The campaign has two sides: one that concerns lifestyles and one that concerns the pressure on politics and production which, as we can see, oppose resistance also by developing lateral strategies.

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