17 November at 14.30-16 CET
With this public event Sweden together with the Council of Europe wish to contribute to the global conversation on democracy, its challenges and possibilities. In a globalised world where we see tendencies of democratic backsliding, where threats such as pandemics and the climate crisis require urgent, resolute and coordinated actions we will examine whether democracy can do the job. And how can democracy simultaneously respond to the challenge of rising populism, that offers easy solutions to complex problems? These and other questions will be discussed.
We warmly welcome:
Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe (for the opening)
Peter Eriksson, Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and member of the Swedish Green Party.
Anne Applebaum, American journalist and a Pulitzer-prize winning historian.
Daniel Lindvall, PhD in sociology, author and chief secretary for several state investigations such as the 2014 Democracy Report.
The discussion will be co-moderated by Ambassador Mårten Ehnberg, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the Council of Europe and Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General of Democracy, Council of Europe. There will be a possibility to actively participate and ask questions to the panel.
Please, register here: https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/register/yhudbcrp
For questions, please contact anna-karin [dot] moberg [dot] nichollsgov [dot] se