Youth Climate Action Days - Webinars

14 and 28 Sep 2024 13 CEST - oline


“Mobilizing for Climate and Economic Justice: Global Perspectives, Local Action”.
As the global community contends with the intensifying climate crisis, it is crucial to integrate diverse perspectives, especially from the Global South, into the broader discourse. This webinar will explore the intersections of climate justice and grassroots activism, with a specific focus on the African context and the upcoming COP discussions. Additionally, the webinar will highlight regional climate justice initiatives within the WSCF and foster an inter-generational dialogue between senior friends and students.

This first session will provide participants with capacity-building on climate from an ecological and socioeconomic justice perspective and engage students in positive change; serve as a study resource for students in the Lusaka Program, ensuring that the webinar content catalyzes ongoing education and activism; and initiate the WSCF position (a statement) for COP that reflects the concerns and aspirations of youth from the Global South.

We will have speakers from partner organizations, WSCF Staff members  and students from the WSCF.

 Registration form:


2. September 28 1pm CEST

An empowering event organized by the World Student Christian Federation, Oikos Institut für Mission und Ökumene - Ev. Kirche Westfalen, VEM - United Evangelical Mission, Anza, and Amt für Jugendarbeit - Ev. Kirche Westfalen.

This event is a unique opportunity for young people to come together, share strategies, and take action on climate change. Let's unite our voices and efforts to advocate for our future.

Registration link: