13th Assembly 2021 - Resources

Reconciled with Creation: A Call for Urgent Action on Climate and Biodiversity

30 May - 1 June 2021 online




Opening prayer

Opening speech by Jorgen Skov Sorensen

Opening speech by Fr. Martin Michalicek

Here is a link to the video.




Session 1 - Does Climate Change and Sustainable Future Pose a Particular Theological Concern?

Keynote lecture by Bishop Dr. Jochen Cornelius-Bundschuh

Keynote lecture by Archbishop Job of Telmessos

Here is a link to the video.



Prayer Day 1 - video


Session 2 - The Churches and the European Green Deal

Some principles from UK experience - Andy Atkins, CEO, A Rocha UK

Outline of initial contribution to the panel session - Zelie Peppiette

The EGD and the Role of Churches - slides

Here is a link to the video.



Session 3 - Networking and Cooperation in Responding to Challenges of Ecology; ECEN Twinning project


Morning Prayer

ECEN history video

Here is a link to the video.



Session 4 - Churches‘ Action and Commitment in Responding to Climate Change

Young Methodist for COP26

FCEI-GLAM Campaign against single use and disposable plastics

The Church of England Environment Programme - slides

Église Verte - slides

Zero Carbon Long-term Strategy of the Church in Northern Germany (Nordkirche)

Responding to Climate Change: Actions and Commitments of Ev.Luth. Church in North Germany - slides

Here is a link to the video.



Session 5 - Climate Justice - A Concern of Ecumenical Youth

Introductory presentation - Emily Allen, UK Young Christian Climate Network 

Ecumenical Youth Council in Europe - slides

Here is a link to the video.

LWF Youth - video


Session 6 - Challenges Ahead

A Briefing for ECEN Assembly 2021

Here is a link to the video.